Sunday, August 16, 2009

Green Beans

Well, I have a bunch of pic's to share, but I'm too lazy to download them right now, so I just thought that I would write a little. This last week right after YW's I ran down to Logan. Yep I had to leave poor little Ryan all alone, but I had good reason, and a good time! I went down to can bean's at my parents. They had a bunch and were just going to give them away, when I found that we had eaten our last bottle of canned beans, so off I went. I decided to kill a few birds with one stone, so I called a few friends that are still in the Logan area, and we got together for a luncheon! I picked beans and canned them on Wednesday, and it took a while, but we had fun and the girls got to play with Grandma! I think little Autumn drove my dad nuts, 'cause she will call him "GrandMA" and expects him to turn and listen to what she's saying. He worked and worked with her, but she never did say "grandPA". Oh well, we'll try again.

Then Thursday, I had called some of my friends and my SIL and we had a BBQ and sat around and gabbed for a little while. We had 17 kids running around, so defiantly not a dull moment. It was also my G-ma Petersen's and Cousin Karen's birthdays, as well as my Father In Law, Lynn's Birthday, so Happy Birthday to you guys! My g-ma isn't doing so good, but she's made it 90 years so far. Some day's I hope to live a long times, and some day's I'm not so sure. My Cousin Karen wrote down a thing in her "notes" section on Facebook about how every time she leaves from seeing Grandma, she cries, I believe I'm in that same boat. I think getting old is okay, but it's hard watching a loved one suffer.

My little girls are growing and growing...Cambry goes to her first day of school this Wednesday!! Aaahh, Kindergarten here we come! I'm a little scared to send my little girl off. What if she's picked on, made fun of, or is beat up??? What if she's the one doing the picking, making, or beat up of??? Lots to think about, and now I've got to learn how to do homework, all over again! ha ha ha. Any advice from you veterans? Autumn loves Cambry so much, this might be a challenge to send Cambry away everyday. When Cambry went and slept over at her cousins this last week, Autumn was in my room every 20-30 minutes, half the night...what a night.

Bryli is learning to crawl and can get around quite well. She's getting up on her knees and rocking, but she moves better by just rolling back and forth, but she is working one it. My girls all love each other and it's so fun to hear about their days. Ryno is still madly in love with his little girls and just morns them when they are away from him.

I've recently decided that I don't like hobo spiders much. They are just a little too scary. I'm having my foundation sprayed tomorrow, and I'll let every one know how well it works keeping those little bugger's out. Two weeks ago was the breaking point when I killed 10 in one week. Some were in the tub, on in our clothes hamper (I believe he was in some clothes that I picked up.) I've been doing my fall cleaning since I missed the spring, due to a new little baby, and I've been pulling everything out and cleaning behind everything. My MIL told me to get some Ortho Home Defence stuff and I've been spraying all the baseboards and stuff, before I put the furniture and things back. So far it seems to have helped a little. I know living out in the middle of no-where doesn't help, but maybe tomorrow we'll stop having these unpleasant guests. I'm afraid to have them around my kids. Bryli learning to crawl and little Autumn not really knowing to be afraid of them. EEeoo!

Bryli has also been trying a little food. She's pretty funny about it, and wasn't so sure she liked eating at first, but now....well she is my daughter!

I'm thinking about going to my HS Alumni game in September, so that might be quite comical to see/attend. Who knows. My Brother cut his thumb working on some sprinkler pipe, or something and had to go get 10 stitches, plus they had to cauterized his blood vessels, so poor big bro. They did con me into watching there kids, while they went out on a date though. Ha ha ha ha. We just sat and watched Scooby-Doo and then played outside, so it was really hard to babysit!!!

Anywho, we're going to go to Payson for Ryan's HS reunion, and Cambry starts school, and Bryli is learning to crawl, and my house is being invaded by killer spiders, but other then that, we're having a delightfully wonderful summer, and beginning fall. My garden is feeding us some yummy carrots, squash and hopefully soon corn. Hope it's great for everyone else.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Family Pictures